CFHS Campaign Holds Lobby Day for the NYC Public Solar Power Bill

On Thursday, April 11th the Carbon Free and Healthy Schools Campaign mobilized for a lobby day to advocate for the NYC Public Solar Power bill. Coalition unions joined together—members and staff from DC37, NYSNA, 32BJ, CSA, UFT, IBEW Local 3, and the NYC Building Trades—to showcase to City Council members the broad support for this legislation amid the labor movement. The bill, which would require the city to install 100 MW of solar power capacity on city-owned buildings by 2025 and 150 MW by 2030, would prioritize projects in disadvantaged communities and create good jobs by ensuring that all projects will be built, operated, and maintained by the city as public works.

After meeting with legislators and discussing why the bill was important to them and their fellow union members, the coalition was successful in increasing the number of co-sponsors to 38—enough to reach a veto-proof majority in the City Council. The CFHS Campaign will continue its movement to get this legislation passed and signed into law.

Jennifer Johnson